Where are your priorities?

What if your workday was filled only with what moved your agency forward? 

Close your eyes for just a moment and envision it … a day filled with purposeful action, each task a stepping stone toward meaningful progress. How does that feel? 

Keeping that vision close to you, open your eyes and look at your to-do list. Scan through the myriad of tasks clamouring for your attention. 

Where are your priorities in this sea of obligations? 

Do they stand out boldly, commanding your focus and attention? Or are they overshadowed by less impactful tasks?

I ask my clients this powerful question whenever they come to me spinning in overwhelm.

This simple yet potent prompt allows them to take back their power and reset their focus.

Here’s what they said at my Quarterly Planning Retreat.

“I will take ownership of my own path and not feel that my path is somehow less important than others.”

“I'm going to use this framework to assess and course correct.”

“It reminds me of the reason why I started my own business.”

Your results are directly tied to achieving your priorities.

In the hustle and bustle of your agency, it's all too easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of tasks and responsibilities, losing sight of what matters. 

Business as usual often looks like you, the leader, buried under an avalanche of emails, meetings, project management and miscellaneous tasks, struggling to discern where your priorities truly lie.

What if you could craft your workdays in a way that aligns with your most important objectives, propelling you closer to your goals with each passing moment? 

It's an empowering thought, isn't it?

With every new client I work with, I start with a Time Audit. My tool of choice is your calendar, which I believe is a mirror reflecting the very essence of your priorities. 

We look at each blocked-out time slot and view it as a testament to what you deem worthy of your time, attention and focus. 

Your calendar is a visual representation of where you choose to invest your most valuable resources: your time and energy. It reveals the deliberate choices you make to align your actions with your priorities.

Here’s an exercise I often do  as I map out  my week (yes, I colour-code my calendar!) I look for a healthy combination of coaching clients (orange), business priorities (green), sales and marketing (blue) and personal (purple). At a glance, I can visually see where I’m choosing to invest my time.

I invite you to take a look at your calendar. What does it say about how you use your time and where you place your focus? 

As you navigate through your day, take a moment to pause and reflect …

Are you allowing your priorities to guide your actions and take up space in your day? Or are you inadvertently surrendering your time and energy to the whims of the seemingly urgent yet unimportant? 

The choice is always yours.

Remember, your priorities are more than a list of tasks to be checked off—they matter.

Embrace them wholeheartedly, and watch as they propel you towards higher heights of success and fulfillment.


Are you ready to take brave action?


Who’s on your A-Team?